+1 (215) 735-1055

Cost-Efficient Website Translation

Quick, Easy & Cost-Efficient Website Translation!

Using our dedicated website translation software, we can provide a word count in minutes; content analysis in a couple of hours and a translation in a few days. This multi-faceted tool allows us to deliver top quality, human translations, and also numerous advantages over the old manual process:

  • In-layout translation:
    • translations are done in the context of the original website layout, allowing also our translators to choose the right word, or phrase, for the space available.
    • This avoids the need for endless rounds of layout proofreading and subsequent re-coding.
  • Easy content extraction and full compatibility with our translation memory tool enabling us to use any already translated copy for your website; enhancing turnaround and consistency.
  • Client collaboration:
    • project managers can easily incorporate a client review stage, inviting internal/in-country reviewers to test out the website and make suggestions, ensuring everyone is happy with the final product.
  • Preview links:
    • once finalized, a preview link to the translated content can be easily sent for your review and approval before the site goes live.
  • Updated content alerts:
    • if you add or change content in your website, we will also receive an alert; and can immediately translate new and updated text, ensuring therefore the English and translated pages are never out of sync.

As easy as 1, 2, 3!


  1. [First] Provide us with the link for translation.
  2. [A few days later] Admire the newly translated website.
  3. Relax knowing that your clients who do not speak English are being served in their own language and that in addition any update of the content of your website in English will also be automatically translated.


  1. Translate, edit and proofread the content in the context of the layout.
  2. We receive automatic alerts when the content is modified on your website in English.
  3. Translate, edit and also proofread the content updates in the context of the layout.

Want to know more? Contact us so we can discuss your scenario and provide our recommendations.

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