Human Translation Services

Combining the Art of Translation with the Science of Language

In the age of Google translate and AI, we must rethink the role of the human translator. Some may even wonder, where do human translation services fit in this modern climate? Why bother with the process of hiring a translator when there are plenty of free tools online? Written language is deeply nuanced and translation is the art of conveying the source text’s message in a way that makes sense in the target language. Machines alone cannot replicate this.


Human Translation Services

At Global Arena, we only work with skilled professional linguists – human translators – who use technology to provide for the best possible translation. They may often use a Translation Memory to ensure we use the client’s preferred terminology every time, or do the majority of their research online. Global Arena also utilizes a project management tool to streamline the translation workflow and promote efficiency. By carefully balancing the art of translation with the science of language, human translation services are the best option for ensuring a high-quality translation.

The Translation Industry Has Changed

The world of translation has changed. Years ago, translators used dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books to research and fully understand their source material. This process was often time consuming and difficult. Though translators today certainly may still use physical books, it’s more common to use the internet as a reference. However, one thing has not changed – human translators have the research skills to seek out context and more information to provide the best translation possible.

Global Arena commits to communication; communication with our clients, and ensuring that we convey their messages across linguistic barriers. We balance technological advances with the nuance of human translation to bring together quality, cultural sensitivity, and consistency.

Machine Translation

One of the biggest advances in translation technology is the use of machine translation. Machine translation is the use of computational software to translate. However, this technology is still at an early stage. Even the most advanced machine translation software is not fully reliable. It can produce an acceptable translation when heavily trained, but generally, the time and money invested in training the machine is not worth it for most companies.

At Global Arena, we only work with human translators using technology to allow for a streamlined translation process and improved information sharing. This approach allows for cost savings and faster turnarounds while maintaining the high standards of quality that only a human translation process can provide.

The Translation Memory (TM)

Global Arena’s in-house team builds and maintains a living translation memory for all documents and for each client. A translation memory is a type of software that contains pairs of source and target language text segments and stores them for future reference. When the human translator works with the TM, the software suggests a translation based on previous translation for specific clients.

Then, the TM analyzes the new translations against the previously translated text segments. The TM identifies full matches and partial matches. The analysis ensures stylistic and terminological consistency across a range of documents, even if different teams translate at different times. This is quite useful for clients who have preferred terminology or use repeated templates.

A number of translators who are sharing the same translation memory can work on projects simultaneously. This cuts turnaround time even for large projects. Our Computer Aided Translation software identifies updates; translates them, and instantly plugs them back into the previously translated text, saving considerable time and money.

We securely store our client’s translation memories and always consider them a client’s property.

Project Management Aided by Technology

Our in-house translation project managers work with a project management system. This streamlines the translation process, enabling the translator and editor to collaborate in real time even when the PM is out of the office. Furthermore, we have integrated our translation memory tool with our project management tool, cutting costs and saving time.

In conclusion, there are many ways to incorporate technology into human translation services without a fully automated translation generated by a machine translation engine. Translation technology can make the process easier, quicker, and even more consistent when properly implemented. Global Arena furthers the balance of human translation services and technological aids in order to provide the best translation possible.

If you have questions or require a professional translation, let us know.


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