Certified Translations and their Benefits

Creating Connections with Expert Translators

The benefits of certified translation for a business or organization may not seem apparent at first glance.

Why go the extra mile when you just can search for cheap freelancers; or use one of the ever-increasing number of software and web translation tools?

But the truth is that without a human involved; translations tend to be flawed at best and disastrous at worst. And with translators certified to accomplish their tasks, you can be assured that they have the depth of knowledge necessary to minimize the errors and pitfalls of translation. Through testing, review, practice, and dialogue; language professionals who receive accreditation from a trusted organization like the ATA (American Translators’ Association) learn how to leverage their fluency into an essential skill.

Much as you would prefer a mechanic who has verifiable credentials; you want a translator who can demonstrate their expertise.

After all, mechanics is the main thing translators do; they manipulate the nuts and bolts of language to convey your ideas to an audience who might not fully understand otherwise. By pairing grammatical knowledge with a sense for nuance, they create a connection between you and the reader across a language barrier. This kind of accuracy is especially important with specialist subjects like business, law, or medicine; certified translators often receive additional training in these fields. (The terminology alone can require an extensive learning process!)

Be sure you know what to look for when you’re selecting translators to handle your material, to ensure they will create a document whose tone in the target language generates the same impact as your original. Or, better yet, reach out to a language services provider who can connect you with qualified translators from the start.

translator connections


A Network of Certified Professionals

Global Arena takes pride in the number of translators we use who have ATA certification or the equivalent from another country. (This is a big plus that we look for during vendor recruitment, so our database is brimming with these individuals.) With such a large proportion of accredited translators; we are a leader in providing you with certified documents across multiple languages.

Certification aside, all translators are required to go through additional careful testing before they join our network. Each project that comes through our doors is also subject to editing and review; ensuring quality according to translation industry standards. Additionally, our project team is familiar with the latest management tools and remains engaged throughout the translation flow; they can also facilitate additional steps you might want, such as document notarization. This robust process enables us to offer you certified document translation to fulfill all of your needs. Whether you are putting together a multilingual marketing campaign, creating a medical advertisement directed towards speakers of other languages, or dealing with legal documents from around the world, we have the resources to help.


The bottom line is, don’t settle for an unknown factor when it comes to translation; especially with something that will be going out into the world. You want your organization to put its best face forward, and the wisest way to do that in other languages is to deliver certified translations.

As your provider, Global Arena can efficiently manage your documents with cultural and linguistic sensitivity in order to help you build the best connection possible with your audience.

Remember that the double talent of any capable translator is to combine mechanical accuracy with a thorough knowledge of how the reader will perceive the text. Certification is to some degree evidence of a translator’s ability to do this; not only a measurement of how thorough their knowledge is; as with anything else, why not strive for excellence?

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